
    Unbecoming Me|Steph’s Top 10

    Let me go ahead and preface this post by telling you that I have not arrived. Unbecoming Me is not a destination, it’s a journey.

    I’m inviting you to join me on my journey with wild hope that you too, begin your own. We are conditioned to present “finished products” in order to captivate an audience…”buy this and you will be happy, wear this and you will be stylish, eat this and you will be healthy,” well – Unbecoming Me is not that. I’m nowhere close to being finished, and God told me over a year ago that it is ok to publish my process. The fact is, if we are alive – we are growing so our Unbecoming is in layers, and as soon as I find victory in one area, it typically prompts work in another.

    “Unbecoming Me is a process, not a product.”

    Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming something, but about unbecoming everything that really isn’t me so I can be who I was meant to be in the first place.

    Here are the Top 10 Things I’ve had to Unbecome…

    1. That God loved me for who I was going to become, not who I was.
    2. That if I don’t look the part, then I’m probably not the part.
    3. That my lack caused others to hurt me.
    4. That I could run from pain.
    5. That the use of my gift was equal and proportionate to how much God loved me.
    6. That “Pastor” means “Fixer”
    7. That repressing trauma doesn’t make it go away.
    8. That my contribution to everyone else’s life determines my worth.
    9. That when my children make wrong decisions it doesn’t make me a bad mom.
    10. Fear – that’s a loaded one for me, but I have been Unbecoming it for 20 + years!

    I would love to talk about some of these in specific on Facebook and Instagram live during Sundays with Steph, if you identify with any of them or have questions regarding them, please leave them in the comments! Btw, if you haven’t joined our Unbecoming Me Facebook Community page – click this link and like it! https://www.facebook.com/unbecomingmecommunity/

    1 Comment

  • Reply
    March 23, 2019 at 8:29 pm

    #8 tho!!

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