
    Invite Love In…Let Love Stay

    It has not even been 1 month since Unbecoming 2017 and I find myself saying this repetitiously to myself and to others, “Invite love in…let it stay.”  If you were able to be here with me then you know, Love made an overwhelming appearance.  The entire weekend was a literal Love fest!  If you weren’t able to be here, please allow me to persuade you to follow this Unbecoming Live link and sink into your screen for some love worthy moments that will leave you undone.  The words that the Lord spoke through Abi, Lisa, Mariah over our lives should be listened to again and again, until we BELIEVE them.  (I also linked their names to more content for you!)

    Why do we treat Love like company who has outstayed their welcome?

    We are much more comfortable treating love like a one night stand, asking it to grab its clothes and take a walk of shame…oh, and please don’t wake anyone up on your way out!  We are quick to open the door to invite Love in, but to let love stay…not so much.  I would like to offer you some food for thought on why.  I had to correct myself actually, and then it hit me.  Remember me saying that i found myself saying in conversations to others…”Invite love in…let it stay?”  Voila!  Love is not an IT.  Sometimes it is easier to understand the nature and character of a person or thing, by saying the things it/they are NOT.

    Love IS NOT a feeling.

    Love IS NOT an emotion.

    Love IS NOT a thing.

    …Love IS A PERSON.

    1 John 4:7&8 says “Beloved, let us LOVE one another.  For LOVE is of God, and everyone that LOVETH is born of God and knoweth God.  He that LOVETH not, knoweth not God for GOD IS LOVE.  Beloved, let us LOVE one another!

    Maybe this is the biggest bridge we have to build.  If we truly saw LOVE as a person, as God…maybe then we would let LOVE stay.  I highly doubt that if the person of Jesus, showed up at your front door and asked to come in you would turn Him away.  And furthermore, I would venture to say that you would NOT be quick to send Him on His way.  Love = Jesus.  If we could EMBRACE that revelation, we wouldn’t be so quick to kick Love to the curb. Who? Love.  Who? Jesus.  (Maybe the more I say it to you, the more it will sink in).

    Love should not feel like company that you have to prepare and work for.  Love should not feel like someone who interrupts your flow.   Love should be a PERMANANT resident.  Love should have access to your fridge.  Love should eat freely at your table. Love should be so permanent a person in your life that Love has a room.  Love should have a closet filled with beautiful clothes and accessories that you choose to give because you desire to adorn Love.

    Today, I want to urge you to do everything in your power

    to not only Invite Love in,

     Let. Love. Stay.


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