
    My Husband’s Greatest Sermons

    My husband and I, if you do not already know…have been fortunate enough to be raised in very Christ-centered homes, serve in full-time ministry for over 20 something years, and presently Pastor a beautiful family of Kingdom people in Louisville, Ky.  My husband is the most passionate and gifted individual I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.  He is truly one of a kind.  His gifts are very wide ranged, however his insight and revelation into the word of God and his ability to communicate that to the hearts of men and women young and old alike, is probably his most demonstrative of gifts.

    We have this little inside joke that has a long running tenure in our 22 year marriage, and I say it to him every single time I hear him minster “that was the best I’ve ever heard you preach”.  Most of the time, that little insider is absolutely true…however my husbands greatest sermons will never be heard by the crowds, receive resounding applause, compel men and women to action, or be preached behind a pulpit…my husbands greatest messages are heard within the walls of my home, at a dinner table I have prepared, on a couch in our living room, or snuggled up to him in the big bed.

    My husbands greatest messages are heard within the walls of my home

    My husbands greatest sermons are those that I hear him share about Royalty and Humility and Love with our Daughters, about Sacrifice and Service and Authority to my sons.   Those he shares with me about Forgiveness and Commintment and Value.  My husbands greatest sermons, sometimes don’t require a word to be said at all, but rather for him to just be there.  This is a message of faithfulness, of love, of peace, of presence, of patience, of endurance, of strength…these are the messages preached that will have as much eternal value as the ones he serves up every week at our local church.  These messages are forming the lives of his posterity, and theirs, and so on and so forth.

    To every father out there, you are a shepherd, a pastor, and your congregation lives inside the walls of your home.  You are given a platform every single day, take it, impart like a Father, rise up in YOUR PLACE…your wives and children are counting on you.





  • Reply
    Jerry parrish
    September 2, 2016 at 7:17 am

    You and your husband is an inspiration to my family guys are so influential in many people’s lives…. I am so grateful and thankful for you guys!! Continue to be Holy Spirit led and life changers because you continue to change and inspire ours!

    • Reply
      Stephanie Harrison
      September 8, 2016 at 12:13 pm

      Thank you so much! That really means a lot to the both of us! Praying for you and your beautiful family!

  • Reply
    Devon Boykin
    November 3, 2016 at 9:42 am

    I absolutely LOVE this.

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