
    High Bloom

    Driving through my neighborhood this morning is a glorious sight…it’s the day after Easter, so my senses are highly aware that a new season is come.  The lilies are open, the grass is green, the birds are singing their tune, and the dogwoods are in high bloom.

     All of this beauty doesn’t go without irritation however; there will always be someone with itchy eyes when you are in High Bloom.

    But I want to take a different approach than the “haters gonna hate” route.  I want you to try to be the one who offers them an “allergy pill”.  See my kids have terrible allergies, so at this season in particular I am aware that the first thing they need to do in the morning to ensure that the itchy, burning, swelling eyes doesn’t occur…is offer them an allergy pill.  It’s like my little preventative way to ensure that the High Bloom they are about to encounter doesn’t affect them in any negative way, so all that they will see is the beauty of the bloom.  For someone in your circle who is about to encounter your high bloom, it may simply mean a word of encouragement, a hug, a note of thanks for just being them.

    I mentioned this was the day after Easter, during the final moments of Jesus crucifixion, he was well aware that his crowning moments – his High Bloom – was just days away, however one of the most important and celebrated moments of his high bloom was that he looked to the unworthy thief on his side and said “this day you will be with me in paradise”…just wow…that invitation of grace allowed someone who wouldn’t even be considered, to be an active participant in his High Bloom.  So as the season changes let’s be reminded to be like Him and to welcome in one another’s High Bloom 🌺

     After all the bloom of each flower contributes to the beauty of the tree!


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