
    Confessions of a Carpool Driver

    I could definitely start an entire blog called Carpool Confessionals.  If you are anything like me, you spend a good portion of your day in the dreaded carpool line.  Whether it’s reading a book, scrolling through social media, writing a to-do list, or returning calls/texts, the only really good thing about carpool, is that i am alone.  Until recently this would not have been cool, but it seems the older i get the more i value my alone time.  The BEST part of carpool however, is when the silence ceases.  The doors fling open wide and the school stories begin!

    This year is the first in a long time that all of my kids are on the same time schedule!  It is amazing!  Collin and Rylie are in high-school, and Carter and Bella are in middle-school.  Thankfully, their schools are right around the corner from one another.  So, i usually pick the big kids up first…why am i telling you this?  Just hang with me for a second.

    Today, I picked the bigs up first.  For some reason, Rylie always wants to sit in the back seat on the side closest for Carter and Bella to get in when i pick them up in their “more formed” carpool line.  UGH!  Now usually I’m just too tired to care, but today i asked her why she did it.  I informed her that if someone would have done that to her last year, she would have yelled at them to move and get it together!  Why make it difficult?  Easy question and example, or so i thought.  She moved over, and then said to me, “btw I’m not the same girl i was last year.”

    I’m not the same girl!!!

    BOOM! Wait, come again?  How was i gonna argue with that? I mean i am standing up declaring to girls of all ages that they are Unbecoming, and my 14 year old daughter just shut me down with her revelation.  SHE GETS IT!

    Now i said all of that to say this…sometimes the younger we are, the sooner we grab hold of a thing and make it ours.  Why does it seem like with age we are slower to own a word?  Maybe it’s because we are already responsible for so much.  Why would we ever want to take on more responsibility?  Why would we ever want to take on another commitment? Wait, you mean a word is a responsibility and commitment? Absolutely!  Especially if you want to OWN IT!

    To receive a word is one thing.  To keep a word is another.

    Owning it is EVERYTHING!  It will take discipline.  It will take time.  It will take your heart.  It will take consistency.  It will take you being responsible for it like an adult, but tending to it with the energy of a teen ager.  Well, maybe the energy of a toddler lol!  (Idk about your teenagers, but mine don’t have that much energy.)

    That is why i have called this a movement, because it requires action.  You are not in this alone.  I am committed to putting out material like this, videos, stories of other women, preaching the message all so that YOU like Rylie, can look at yourself a year from now and say…I’m not the same girl!  Share this message.  Someone else just like you needs to hear it.  Someone else needs to know that there are other girls just like them who refuse to accept what others want them to settle for, when they know God’s promise for them is MORE!




    p.s. I am Rylie, and I am unbecoming!


  • Reply
    August 23, 2016 at 8:24 pm

    That sounds like our rylie! Love it!

  • Reply
    August 25, 2016 at 11:23 am

    I absolutely love this, love the whole movement. This is such a vital concept to grasp for literally everyone! God is taking me through this process and blowing my mind! How easily we accept the enemy’s lies about who we are without even realizing it. So thankful I have found your ministry! It’s awesome how God will connect us to people and ministries that mirror what He’s doing in us at just the right time. Can’t wait to see what’s ahead for this movement!

    • Reply
      Stephanie Harrison
      August 25, 2016 at 11:35 am

      Thank you so much Melody. That you would take the time to read, watch, and comment to encourage is very precious to me. I have always found that when God has a certain message he wants to say to His people, that he will not only prepare ears to hear it, but voices as well to speak it. I am humbled that what God is doing in my life is touching other people who are ready to hear the same thing!

      Thanks again for commenting!



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